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Not the Museum!

Texts by Maddalena Paola Winspeare 

Drawings by Elisa Puccioni

E-BOOK (interactive pdf)

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This book is for you, poor creature dragged through museums by hyperactive parents who have made your education their reason for living: but what if they could remember when they were children? Do they remember the deep sense of boredom in front of the endless explanations of the adults?

This book is also for you, conscious parent, both to free you from the guilt that assails you when your children are not happy to follow your aspirations and to offer an escape route to you too who, you do not want to admit, but are as scared as the kids in front of all those artworks.

A politically incorrect guide in which families are advised to make short visits to a few works of certain interest: the children, grateful, will gladly return on a trip with you.

E-BOOK 978-88-8347-963-2

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